Patience in Trials and Tribulations |
പരീക്ഷണങ്ങളിലും പ്രയാസങ്ങളിലും ക്ഷമയോടെ നിലക്കൊള്ളുക |
Abu Tariq Zubair Mohamed
حفظه الله تعالى Based from the Explanation of the Ayahs 155–157 in Surah Baqarah — Trials and tribulations in this life are unavoidable for everyone, it is the way how we look at it when these trails come to us that matters. One must strive that if the fitnah comes he be patient and be steadfast on the truth at any cost then eventually die on it. Also striving for good deeds are until one’s last breath.
Taken on 25 Jumada Al Awwal 1441H corresponding to 21 January 2020 at Darul Hadeeth As-Salafiyya, Kochi |
അബു ത്വാരിഖ് സുബൈര് മുഹമ്മദ്
حفظه الله تعالى |