Kitabu Tawheed - Class 71
by Abu Tariq Zubair Mohamed حفظه الله at Madeena Masjid, Ernakulam on 2nd Muharram 1436 (26th October 2014) This class is from a series of classes explaining the famous book Kitaabu-Tawheed by Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab رحمه الله. This series teaches the most fundamental aspect of the religion - Tawheed or the Oneness of Allah - and is based on the well known sharh of this book Fathul Majeed by Shaikh AbdurRahmaan bin Hasan bin Muhammed رحمه الله تعالى The audio has been updated in the Kitabu Tawheed main page: Click here to go to the Kitabu Tawheed main page.
Taken at KM Complex, Perinthalmanna on 04 Dhul Hijjah 1435 (28 September 2014) by Abu Swalah Abdul Kareem Amani حفظه الله تعالى
Kitabu Tawheed - Class 70
by Abu Tariq Zubair Mohamed حفظه الله at K.M Complex, Perinthalmanna on 25th Dhul Hijjah 1435 (19th October 2014) This class is from a series of classes explaining the famous book Kitaabu-Tawheed by Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab رحمه الله. This series teaches the most fundamental aspect of the religion - Tawheed or the Oneness of Allah - and is based on the well known sharh of this book Fathul Majeed by Shaikh AbdurRahmaan bin Hasan bin Muhammed رحمه الله تعالى The audio has been updated in the Kitabu Tawheed main page Click here to go to the Kitabu Tawheed main page. Kitabu Tawheed - Class 69
by Abu Tariq Zubair Mohamed حفظه الله at MSS Auditorium, Calicut on 18th Dhul Hijjah 1435 (12th October 2014) This class is from a series of classes explaining the famous book Kitaabu-Tawheed by Shaykhul-Islaam Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab رحمه الله. This series teaches the most fundamental aspect of the religion - Tawheed or the Oneness of Allah - and is based on the well known sharh of this book Fathul Majeed by Shaikh AbdurRahmaan bin Hasan bin Muhammed رحمه الله تعالى The audio has been updated in the Kitabu Tawheed main page Click here to go to the Kitabu Tawheed main page. The audio has been updated in the Warathatul Anbiya main page
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