Abu Taymiyya Haneef حفظه الله تعالى explains
the hadeeth of Shadaad bin Aws رضي الله عنه using the explanation of Hafidh Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali رحمه الله Taken at Jasnas Auditorium, Kochi on 24 Safar 1435H (27 Dec 2013).
Abu Taymiyya Haneef حفظه الله تعالى explains
the hadeeth of Shadaad bin Aws رضي الله عنه using the explanation of Hafidh Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali رحمه الله Taken at Jasnas Auditorium, Kochi on 23 Safar 1435H (26 Dec 2013). Kitabu Tawheed - Class 38
by Abu Tariq Zubair Mohamed (hafidaullah) at Madeena Masjid, Cochin on 22 December 2013
The audio is also available along with the previous classes and download links in the Kitabu-Tawheed Series main page under the Aqeeda / Creed section. Abu Taymiyya Haneef حفظه الله تعالى explains
the hadeeth of Shadaad bin Aws رضي الله عنه using the explanation of Hafidh Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali رحمه الله Taken at Jasnas Auditorium, Kochi on 16 Safar 1435H (20 Dec 2013). Khutba given by AbusSwalah Abdul Kareem Amani حفظه الله تعالى at Masjid Uthman bin Affan رضي الله عنه , Nilambur on 20th December 2013
'كتاب العلم'
Shaikh Abu Khaithama Zuhair ibn Harb AnNasaaee رحمه الله تعالى Abu Taymiyya Haneef حفظه الله تعالى Every Sunday at Barami Masjid, Calicut after Salatul Asr Click below for the location of the Masjid http://goo.gl/maps/ifQrY Also find the remaining classes at http://www.ilmussalaf.com/kitabul-ilm.html Kitabu Tawheed - Class 37
by Shaykh Abu Tariq Zubair Mohamed (hafidaullah) at Saba Hall, Manjeri on 08 December 2013 Explaining prohibition of belief in omens, portends, etc (ശകുനം, ലക്ഷണം, നിമിത്തം) The audio is also available along with the previous classes and download links in the Kitabu-Tawheed Series main page under the Aqeeda / Creed section. 'كتاب العلم'
Shaikh Abu Khaithama Zuhair ibn Harb AnNasaaee رحمه الله تعالى Abu Taymiyya Haneef حفظه الله تعالى Every Sunday at Barami Masjid, Calicut after Salatul Asr Click below for the location of the Masjid http://goo.gl/maps/ifQrY Also find the remaining classes at http://www.ilmussalaf.com/kitabul-ilm.html 'Wassayah Manhajiyya'
Abu Taymiyya Haneef حفظه الله تعالى taken on 27th Muharram (1st December 2013) at Saba Hall Manjeri |
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