Al Usool-us-Sittah is an exceptional treatise by Shaikhul Islam Muhammed bin Abdul Wahhab رحمه الله تعالى that summarizes the six mighty principles of Islam in which even many of the most intelligent and shrewdest of the offsprings of Adam have erred.
Classes taken by Abu Tariq حفظه الله at Kollam in the Year 2008
Upon facing the disasters and trials occurred in nature, most people look at its causes and effects only upon a materialistic perspective. Whereas a Muslim has several lessons to learn from it. This lecture sheds light on the root causes of such calamities and their true remedy. Also explained here is a virtuous supplication that can be used to seek help in such times of crisis.
Fearing Allah by correctly knowing Him and His Messenger ﷺ with evidences is called knowledge. Any abundance of narrations outside this scope is not termed as knowledge. A number of ways to obtain good understanding of Allah and Messenger ﷺ are also suggested here.
Taken at 28th Ramadan 1440H (2nd June 2019) at Darul Hadeeth As-Salafiyya, Kochi. A lecture encouraging us to worship Allah upon the knowledge about Him in the light of 12th Ayah from Surah AT-Talāq.
Also has a concise description of the nine wasiyyah that Prophet ﷺ gave to Abud-Dardā’ رضي الله عنه Taken on 17th Dhul Qadah 1440H (20th July 2019) at Darul Hadeeth As-Salafiyya, Kochi. |
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