A class on having Patience and Being Grateful
Taken for the Salafees of UAE on 16 Rabee Awwal 1442H (02 November 2020)
Taken for the Salafees of Perumbavur on 19-22 Dhul Hijjah 1439H (30 August and 02 September 2018) regarding the athar of Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal رحمه الله regarding what the term As-Sunnah entails from the Manhaj of the Salaf and the Aqeedah
A short class on the frequently used word إن شاء الله (In sha Allah) about its usage and meaning
Taken on 12 Muharram 1441H (11 September 2019) at Kottakal These set of classes are based on the important work of Hafidh Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali رحمه الله تعالى named 'Kalimatul Ikhlaas' in which the expounding of the word لا إله إلا الله is done in an astounding way that is highly beneficial for the common man to grasp it's importance and then act upon it
Taken for the Salafeee of UAE during the month Safar 1439H (November 2017) Based on the famous Tafseer of Shaikh Abdur Rahman bin Nassir As Sa'di رحمه الله named 'Taysir al-Kareem al-Rahman', several Surahs and important Ayahs are explained in these classes.
These classes taken from December 2012 starts from the Muqadimmah of the book which contains highly beneficial points to keep in mind while reading the Tafseer. |
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